Julia NUR JAMIL duhrsen
As most of my readers know, I have a very few people who look to me for spiritual guidance. I am not sure of the actual number but it is small, around 40 or 50 probably. Of those maybe 10 people are in fairly regular communication. On Easter Sunday last, one of them died.
Nur Jamil (Light of Beauty) was my friend. That is what it always comes down to eventually, friendship. The reason for her death is not as important as the impact her living being had on the people around her. Her life was one of constant struggle, a never ending series of very serious challenges which she not only met head on but allowed to shape her over all attitude toward life in general. Nur Jamil was one of those very rare people with no enemies. Everyone who met her went away feeling as if they had been given something precious, though often they had no idea what it was.
This past Sunday Majida and I officiated at a memorial service for Nur Jamil in
When everyone else was finished speaking I was moved to say just a few words. What I found myself saying was that we are all connected. We are all individuals but there is also a unity that we exist within. Occasionally a soul appears to remind us of this deep connection. Julia Nur Jamil was one such soul. I will miss her.
Love & Blessings, Musawwir
Beutiful, thats all I can say. A great soul met another. Thats all that matters.
Love you deeply,
I will think of her at the Renn Fest which we planned to go to together, and which I hope she will still attend with me, at healing meetings, on Friday nights and Sunday afternoons. I will miss her.
Love you Julia.
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